Many Boat Harbour members commence as children, or as parents of young children. The focus of our Nipper program is building confidence and skills in and around the surf, promoting an active lifestyle, teamwork and community spirit.
Age groups are taken as of the age on the 30th September at the start of the relevant season:
Under 6 and under 7 undertake the Periwinkle program;
Under 8 to under 14 undertake the Juniors program; and
Under 15 and up undertake the Seniors program.
Our Nipper program runs each Saturday morning from 10am to 12pm at our clubhouse from the beginning of school term four to the last weekend in March. Board training is also available on Thursday evenings from 5:30pm to 6:30pm for U10s to Seniors (U8/9s may be involved if competent, supervised by parent and if the conditions allow).
A typical Saturday morning involves a quick group meeting to share news and updates and then the children break into their age groups, which are led by an Age Manager. The Age Manager is a volunteer, usually a parent of one of the children in that particular age group, who will take the children to each activity and organise them as required. Each group then rotates between Beach (flags, sprints and relays), Board (foamie or nipper boards depending on their age group) and Surf Swim (or wade for younger age groups). At various times throughout the season, each age group spends time in formal education sessions with our Education Officer. Topics covered in these sessions may include surf lifesaving signals, identifying and dealing with rips, first aid skills and rescue techniques.
Saturday Nipper sessions usually conclude with social time around the BBQ and coffee from the cafe is also available. Many families stay on into the afternoon to relax at the Clubhouse and enjoy the community atmosphere.
Help is always required at Nippers and parents are required to remain on the beach at all times. Nippers is not an activity where children can be dropped off. Please maintain responsibility for your child at all times and be aware that our Age Managers and Trainers are all volunteers and do not know the water proficiencies of your child as well as you do.
If your child requires extra assistance in the water, please enter the water with them, rather than assuming our volunteers will be able to look after them.
Parent help is always needed with beach set up and pack down; gear storage, BBQ and many other jobs. Please put your hand up – if you’re not sure what to do, someone will be happy to show you. We are all volunteers and the experts amongst us have only learnt by jumping in and having a go.
Parents are very welcome, and actively encouraged, to join in the fun in the water with their children. The more adults we have in the water the better. We do have volunteers who opt to provide water safety at Nippers, but we can always do with more – and your child will love it if you become involved! There are levels for everyone – if you are not a competent swimmer, there is always a need for people to remain in the shallows to help retrieve boards and ensure children exit safely.
Please note, surf lifesaving is not a learn to swim program. It is expected that your child is a competent swimmer for their age.
The Club maintains a variety of boards for use by Nippers. These include ‘foamies’, Nipper Boards and a small number of ‘Mals’. Purchase of your own board is not necessary, however, please be aware that we cannot always supply an individual board for everyone and that sharing is sometimes required. Many families choose to purchase their own board, but this is not compulsory.
It is expected that children who borrow Club boards take full responsibility for them, ensuring they are looked after in the surf, washed with fresh water after each session and safety returned to our indoor storage racks. Parental supervision is required in order to ensure this is achieved.
Each season a number of state wide carnivals are held across Tasmania, culminating in the State Titles in early March. All Nippers are encouraged to participate, but this is not compulsory. Carnivals are a lot of fun and children quickly make friends with other children from other clubs across the state. Children will compete in events in their age groups and there are a range of individual and team options. Each child may compete in as many, or as few events as they wish.
Many Boat Harbour families travel and stay together for carnivals, making them great social occasions. Local caravan parks/ campgrounds are often full of state-wide SLSCA members across carnival weekends – you can imagine how much fun that is for the kids! We also get together for meals when attending carnivals around the state. It’s all part of being a member of the Boat Harbour Beach SLSC family.
Prior to the season commencing on the beach many nippers are involved in swim lessons/ training at various local swim schools. These sessions are a great way for children to build strength and keep fit during the winter break and progress their skills for the upcoming surf sports season. Whilst not compulsory, it is highly recommended that new members attend swimming lessons.
Children (U8 – U14) are required to pass a pool and beach proficiency to be able to participate in the Nipper program. Details are listed below
Proficiency Requirements*
*Age is as of midnight September 30.
The Periwinkle program is provided for U6 and 7 children. Children must have turned 5 by 30th September to be eligible. Periwinkles provides a gentle introduction to the surf through fun activities and group games. The aim of the program is to build surf awareness. Typical activities include wading to waist depth, racing in and out of the shallows, shallow water games and plenty of beach activities.
Periwinkle runs on Saturday mornings from 10am – 11am (as compared to noon for Nippers). Parent help is warmly encouraged and no specific skills are required.
Rather than the Boat Harbour beach SLSC skullcaps, our Periwinkles wear green skullcaps, so that we can readily identify this younger age group. The green caps are provided by the club each week. Pink high-vis rashies are required.
What to bring
For general training sessions, we recommend you bring the following items:
Pink rashie
Wetsuit* (not compulsory, however many children get cold quickly and this directly impacts their enjoyment of the sport)
Swim googles
A t-shirt (to cover up from the sun when participating in beach events)
A hat (as above)
Water bottle
Healthy snack
For competitions – add your club bathers.
*During competitions officials will make a decision on the day as to whether wetsuits are permitted. This will dependent on the conditions and the relevant age group of the children.
Boat Harbour Beach SLSC members take pride in wearing the club colours of red, white and blue. A number of items are available for purchase and a uniform order is placed leading into the beginning of each season.
Members are encouraged to wear Club bathers when representing the Club, such as at statewide carnivals. A variety of additional uniform items such as hoodies, shirts and shorts are also available as option extras.
The uniform order form is available below.
All orders and enquires should be directed to the Club’s Uniform Coordinator, TBA